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ISSN 2277-8616


IJSTR >> Volume 3- Issue 5, May 2014 Edition

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research  
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

Website: http://www.ijstr.org

ISSN 2277-8616

Reinvestment Acceptance Behavior Of Cocoa Farming (Case Study Of Cocoa Farmer In Luwu Regency)

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Syamsinar, R. Mappangaja, D. Rukmana, Nursini, Amal



Keyword: Behavior, Reinvestment Acceptance, Cocoa Farming.



Abstract : The research aimed to examine cocoa farmer behavior in acceptance reinvestment of cocoa farming in Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi. The research was conducted in Luwu Regency South Sulawesi because it was the highest cocoa producer in South Sulawesi. The population of the research was cocoa farmers who were 1521 householders in Batulappa village South Larompong, Noling village Bupon, Kamanre village, and Sumabu village Bajo sub-district. Sample was taken 10% of the population or 152 householders. To reach the research objective, the research used descriptive statistic analysis. The result of the research showed that from 152 householders, 77 (50.7%) respondents in Luwu reinvested by aside the cocoa sale, 7 (4.6%) respondents made the cocoa sale became the capital then the income was invested to the cocoa farming and 68 (44.7%) respondents borrowed money.Reinvestments of farmer were 3 respondents (2%) increased the land area, 100% respondents procured tools and agricultural machinery (Alsintan) and means production (Saprodi). Reinvestment amount of land increasing was Rp 30 – 50 million (0.25 – 0.5 ha/32% - 46% of cocoa farming acceptance), for alsintan was Rp 271.575 - Rp.502.000 (1% - 10% of cocoa farming acceptance and for saprodi was Rp 1.279.000 – 49.350.250 (9% - 43% of the cocoa farming acceptance).



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