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Volume 8 - Issue 2, February 2019 Edition

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Asep Sulaeman

Keraton Yogyakarta as a cultural and religious symbol is interesting to be examined, especially based on the linguistic and cultural perspectives. This research examines Islam and local culture aculturation in ritual activities at Keraton Yogyakarta. Research method used in this research is qualitative methods by using the techniques of observation and discourse study. the results shows that Islamic values fused with local cultures, so acculturation among the Hindu-Javanese culture, Buddhism, and Islam occur in ritual tradition at Keraton Yogyakarta. Garabeg ritual is a rite in Keraton Yogyakarta for welcoming 3 great days in Islam Islamic celebrations, such as Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha, and Maulid Nabi (the birthday of prophet Muhammad). Then, Sekaten rite originating from Syahadatain the principal ideology of Islam is the pledge of Tawheed as the ones of God.

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Ritika, Anandhi Ramachandran

Maternal and infant health is a global healthcare problem affecting developing and developed countries alike. Pregnancy complications increase the risk of maternal and infant death, and are associated with adverse outcomes such as miscarriage, stillbirth, and preterm birth. Women going through high-risk pregnancies may require complex care involving lifestyle modifications, pharmacological and technical support and even hospitalization. Recent advances in wearable sensor technologies offer new opportunities to accurately monitor the high risk pregnancy cases as the demand for wearable and remote patient monitoring systems is increasing worldwide. In this paper, extensive literature review was carried out related to the monitoring of high risk pregnancy and use of wearable sensors related to childbirth. This enables authors to close the information gap regarding feasibility of using wearable sensors for monitoring mother and child health to ensure a safe delivery. Further based on the information collected and collated a theoretical framework is proposed for the use of wearable sensors in remote monitoring of high risk pregnancy. Thus the integrated system enables healthcare worker to do continuous monitoring of vital parameters of pregnant women through wearable sensors. This will improve timely communication between relevant stakeholders and help in reducing maternal mortality occurring due to lack of timely help.

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Ngatinem, Aton Yulianto, Nurul Rusdi

Currently, the tendency of sugarcane production would be decrease,that would be influence to sugar company production. The lower than normal production of the sugar company would be give impact to be low efficiency. The extensification by expansion of plantation areal could be alternative solution . One of the metods was single-bud planting. By this technology, the problem of large quantity of seed for large area could be solved.The research purpose were to get the ideal distance that to get perfect plants growing and productivity of sugarcane. This research were used by plotting demo with 4 treatment and twice repeatation. The fourth treatment were 30 cm (J1), 45 cm (J2), 60 cm (J3) and 75 cm (J4) of planting distances. The observed variable were stem height, stem diameter,number of plants tillers. Samples were taken at 2 months old, 4 montgh, 6 months and 8 months of plants old. Using BNT 5 % methods, the research result shown that the planting distance has no significant effect on the plant height and stem diameter of sugarcane plants. At the 4 months plants old , the treatment J-1 has significant diference to treatment J-3 and J-4 on the number of plants tillers. At the 6,8 months plant old, the treatment J-1 has significant diference to treatment J-4 on the number of plants tillers. The farther of planting distance, the higher stem weigth/ clump, but the farther of planting distance, the smaller oif the stem weight/ha. That cause the farther of planting distance, the smaller of the clump population/ha.The highest productivity was obtained in the treatmen J-1 (1.4 m x 30 cm). The tight planting distance would produce higher population, that cuse nutrient adsorption in the soil would be effective

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Megersa Daba

This study was conducted to determine nutritional quality and hydrogen cyanide content of cassava varieties grown in East Hararghe Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia and to study consumer preference for the cassava based food products. The nutritional and hydrogen cyanide content of cassava were analyzed using standard procedures. Proximate composition and minerals content were analysed using SAS software whereas sensory evaluation was analyzed using R software. The moisture, ash, crude fiber, crude protein, crude protein, cyanide, carbohydrate, Ph, zinc, iron, and calcium contents of cassava varieties on wet basis ranged from 58.50 – 65.32 %, 2.21 – 3.06 %, 2.01 –2.51 %, 1.58 – 1.79 %, 0.87 – 1.21 %, 0.47 – 0.85 mg/100g, 26.44 – 32.53 %, 0.07 – 0.09 %, 0.20 % – 0.29 % and 0.62 – 0.99 % respectively. Consumer preference for cassava based food products showed that cookies and porridge prepared from 50 % and 20 % of cassava recipes respectively had better acceptance. While for the cassava based injera 30 % sorghum and 70 % of cassava recipe were preferred for Kello and Local varieties.

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Samsurianto, Wawan Kustiawan, Marjenah, Djumali Mardji

This study was intended to determine whether organic fertilizers affect the presence of soil microorganisms after coal mining. The study location was the ex-coal mining area of PT Graha Benua Etam, in Saliki Village, Samarinda, East Kalimantan. This study used 4 kinds of organic fertilizer on the soil planted with Jabon seedlings, namely market waste vegetable fertilizer (WV), chicken manure (CM), cow dung (CD) and goat manure (GM). The results of this study indicated that before fertilizing 2 fungal genera were found in soil samples, namely Aspergillus and Trichoderma. At 3 months after fertilizing the soil with WV, 3 fungal genera were found, namely Aspergillus, Penicillium, and Trichoderma. At 3 months after fertilizing the soil with CM, CD, and GM found 3 genera of fungi the same with WV. At 6 months after fertilizing the soil with WV 3 genera of fungi were found that were same with 3 months, plus two other genera, namely Mucor and Rhizopus. At 6 months after fertilizing the soil with CM, CD, and GM the same 3 fungal genera as WV were found. Before fertilizing there was found 3 families of bacteria, namely Azotobacteraceae, Bacillaceae, and Microccaceae. At 3 and 6 months after fertilizing the soil with the four organic fertilizers, the same 3 families as before fertilizing were found. Nematodes were not found in soil samples before fertilizing, but 3 months after fertilizing with the four organic fertilizers there was found 3 genera, namely Dorylaimus, Rhabditis and Rotylenchullus. At 6 months after fertilizing, 5 genera of nematodes were found in the soil fertilized with WV and CM, namely Aphelenchus, Dorylaimus, Rhabditis, Rotylenchullus, and Hoplolaimus. In the soil fertilized with CD, only 3 genera of nematodes were found, namely Dorylaimus, Rhabditis, and Rotylenchullus. In the soil fertilized with GM, 4 genera of nematodes were found, namely Dorylaimus, Rhabditis, Rotylenchullus, and Hoplolaimus. It can be concluded that the number of genera of microorganisms increases with improved ex-mining soil conditions resulting from the application of organic fertilizers.

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Nurlita Haeridistia, Agustin Fadjarenie

This research aimed to analyze the effect of independence, professional ethics, and auditor’s experience on audit quality in auditor at Public Accountant Firm in DKI Jakarta. The data in this research used data primer which obtained from questionnaire given to 127 respondent. This research was casualty research, which aimed to test the hypothesis about the effect of one or some variables (Independent Variable) on other variable (dependent variable). This research shows that independency, professional ethics and auditor’s experience effect on audit quality.

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Darius Shyafary, Dita Andansari, Rony H.

Typical batik craft of East Kalimantan is one area that has a major contribution to the improvement of the regional economy. However, there are not many product innovations conducted by SMEs Batik Craft in East Kalimantan. Recent product development trends lead to a product designed based on customer needs (customer-oriented). There has been no attempt to develop batik products based on customer preferences of handicraft products. Existing problems are (1) How is the preference of the people of East Kalimantan to the current batik design (2) How can kansei customers to batik East Kalimantan. The objectives of the research are (1) To know the preference of East Kalimantan people to the design of batik of East Kalimantan at this time (2) To know the customer's kansei to batik design of East Kalimantan The method used is the initial design of the research, collecting kansei words, preparing the Semantic Differential Questionnaire (SD) , distribution of SD I questionnaire, the statistica analysis I, a collection of product samples. The results of the analysis of the distribution of SD I questionnaire that consumers in choosing batik Samarinda influenced by four factors that explain the total variance of 69.649% with details: design factor with variance of 36.880%, display factor with variance of 10.509%, material factor with variance of 7.860% and emotional appeal factor with variance of 5,465%.

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Kurnian Syahri, Paham Ginting, Yeni Absah

PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum (Persero) Kuala Tanjung Batu Bara Regency is one of the State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) that produce aluminum in Indonesia which requires the carrying capacity of facilities and facilities to support operational activities. Therefore, the procurement of goods / services plays an important role for the availability of facilities and infrastructure performance of the company. In the success of the procurement process, Inalum must cooperate with the organization or partner in this case the supplier. To know the level of success of cooperation between organizations can be seen from the performance measured from the level of satisfaction. Supplier satisfaction will also be obtained if the suppliers are expected or required. In addition, the procurement process of goods / services in PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum as one of the SOEs in accordance with the Minister of SOEs Regulation no. PER-15 / MBU / 2012 concerning general guidance on the procurement of goods and services of State-Owned Enterprises is required to be transparent, fair and reasonable, accountable and still pay attention to effective, efficient and competitive factors which are basically the principles of Governance Good or Good Corporate Governance (GCG). The purpose of this research is to know and analyze the influence of the implementation of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) Principle on supplier satisfaction level in the process of procurement of Goods / Services in PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum with Environmental Factor as moderating variable. The data collection in this research was done through survey approach with quantitative descriptive research type by distributing questionnaires to 100 suppliers. Data analysis method used is Moderated Regression Analyzed (MRA). The result of the research shows that there are positive and significant influence of environmental variable to strengthen the influence of GCG principle to supplier's satisfaction in PT Inalum procurement process. In partial there is positive influence and significant transparency to supplier's satisfaction, there is no significant effect of accountability to supplier's satisfaction, There are positive influence and significant of accountability to supplier's satisfaction, there is no significant influence of independent to supplier's satisfaction and there is influence of not significant fairness to supplier's satisfaction.

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Noor Zuhdiyaty, Maryunani, Wildan Syafitri

This study see the village with SLA approach (Sustainable Livelihood Approach) use five capital, among others are natural capital, physical capital, human capital, financial capital, and social capital. The aim of this study is for knows character of every capital especially for see the streng capital and the weak capital beetwen five capital mentioned. Indonesia is one of country that reach and uniqe in some of resources Many hidden potentials are still not optimized, especially those in rural areas. As well as in Kalipucang Village. Many potentials that have not been fully utilized and have not been properly contained. So that the existence of BUM Desa (Village-Owned Enterprises) is considered to be one of the places to develop this potential by seeing the existing potential based on five capital SLA. The method in this study is a mixed mix method, namely quantitative research and then supported by qualitative research. Data collection is done by observation, documentation, questionnaires and interviews. The results of the study show that the strongest capital is financial capital, while the weakest capital is human capital.

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Umi Marfuah, Rina Nopianti, Ambaria

In the growing times, the tight competition of Kedai Mie Ayam PakDhe with all its competitors demands professional management performance and full knowledge of its business in order to evaluate and determine competitive strategies. Kedai Mie Ayam PakDhe has the lowest percentage among its competitors in terms of store facilities and market share and has a high percentage in terms of taste and affordable prices compared to its competitors. This long-standing company needs to develop a better business strategy to improve its business. This study aims to determine the design of a new business model as a form of business development strategy in Kedai Mie Ayam with a Business Model Canvas approach. This study uses qualitative methods while formulating strategies by distributing questionnaires and then analyzing them using Business Model Canvas with each building block also analyzed with IFE & EFE Matrix, IE Matrix, SWOT Matrix, SWOT Analysis and Business Model Canvas. The results of the study have found that the strongest elements in this store are value propositions and key partnerships, while for the weakest elements are customer segments and channels. The result of the analysis of the SWOT Matrix and Business Model Canvas is the Kedai Mie Ayam PakDhe must read more about market movements and product placement and can maximize the use of information media, internet and social media, adding value to products, creating sustainable customer relationships, key activities involving technology, and product innovation while maintaining affordable prices.

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K. Dwi Wahyu Ksamawan, Ghozali Maskie, David Kaluge

Using GDP as a proxy for economic growth, the number of tourist visits, the Consumer Price Index, the Consumer Price Index, and the monthly period of exchange for 2007 -2016. This study uses secondary data with the Error Correction Model (ECM) regression method with short and long-term calculations. The variable number of tourist visits had an effect on GDP in the continents of Asia, Europe, Middle East and Oceania while in the long run in all continents except America. The exchange rate variable in the short term has a negative effect on GDP in the American Continent and the Middle East, while in the long run, the exchange rate variable has a positive effect on GDP in the ASEAN continent and Europe. The CPI variable only has a positive effect on GDP in the long run for all continents except America. So that it can be concluded that not all have a positive impact on GDP, which is the American continent, so it should be stressed that the cost of developing the tourism sector in America should developing a tourism sector in America more than proportionally or diverted to continents of Asia, ASEAN, Oceania, Europe and the Middle East. be allocated more proportionally or diverted to continents of Asia, ASEAN, Oceania, Europe and the Middle East.

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Hassan R. H. Elkhdr

In these days, organizations always need a good strategic management and skilful leader to be able to achieve their goals. Both Strategic Management and leadership are two different words having their own meanings, and are working together but it seems to different way. A skilful Leader follows his own rules, however strategic management always look after for organization low and policy. The main purpose of this paper is to examine the strategic management and leadership with focuses on the relationship between them. The article is consists of five parts; first part an introduction, second part present a review about definition of management and its functions then strategic management, third part Leadership has been discussed within a multidimensional structure comprising, definition, Meaning, Theories, Styles, fourth part explain relationship between the strategic management, Leadership and the impact of them on strategic decisions, finally, Finally, the conclusion.

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Mansur Yahaya Abdussalam, Prof. Dr. Halil Zafer Alibaba

Passive cooling techniques and their application have become more dependable and are frequently used in regions with hot climate conditions. The foremost techniques adopted are building orientation which helps with spatial organisation of the building based on function, external environment and weather factors and the other is the use of shading devices integrated through design to the building or its immediate environment. The building under study holds a set of lecture rooms, offices and a commercial space is located in a tropical savannah climate region. This papers evaluates the effects of the passive cooling techniques adopted in the building on indoor thermal quality as perceived by the students and other users of the building, considering the high temperature in the region. The research identified how the orientation of the building reduced the surface of the building heated as a result of solar radiation and also how the longer sides of the building have windows facing the direction of the prevailing winds capturing the breeze for cross ventilation which in turn reduces the indoor temperature. Shading devices and trees are used to cover the longer sides of the building to deflect direct solar radiation hence reducing the glare and reflections that may disrupt activities in the lecture rooms. Questionnaires that were distributed and a physical survey of the building site are the main source for the research findings. It is imperative for more research work to be done in areas like this to reduce the energy use in buildings located in hot regions used for cooling. This would also encourage the reduction of green house gases coming from mechanized cooling devices which cost significantly high to run in these regions.

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Robby Anggriawan, Ghozali Maskie, Wildan Syafitri

This study discusses the performance of the manufacturing industry sector in East Java Province and its implications for strategy formulation. The manufacturing industry has the potential to be utilized, so research on industrial performance in East Java Province is important to do in an effort to explain the importance of having planning regarding development policies in this sector. The importance of implementing this policy is based on theoretical considerations that the development policy of the manufacturing industry sector must be in a policy framework that is able to place the priority of industrial sector development in a focused manner on industries with high productivity and high competitiveness so that they are not trapped in broad-based industrial policies (broad base strategy), but does not have a competitive advantage with other manufacturing products. In this study, the variables are Output, Industries, Labor, Labor Cost, Input Costs, and Value Added with 11 Subsectors of the manufacturing industry.

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Dyah Purnamasari

Recognition of the value of deferred tax expense and tax planning subjective gives management the opportunity to practice earnings management. This study aims to determine how much influence tax planning and tax burden in conducting earnings management in manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2014-2017. The method used in this research is descriptive method. Data collection techniques are carried out through secondary data. The population in this study were manufacturing companies of the Food and Beverages Sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2014-2017 period totaling 43 companies. The sample research method used was purposive sampling. The type of data used is secondary data obtained from the financial statements of company publications in Data is processed through multiple linear regression statistical test methods using SPSS software. Based on the results of statistical tests, concluded that (1) Tax planning has a positive and not significant effect on earnings management, (2) The burden of deferred tax has a positive and not significant effect on the probability of companies making earnings management. The study also found that earnings management did occur with the aim of avoiding reporting losses on companies listed on the Stock Exchange in 2014 - 2017.

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Lily Mauliani, Trijeti, Wiwik Sudarwati

A common problem in dense settlements is the problems related to the environment both physically and non-physically. An environment with a high population is not in accordance with the amount of sufficient land for the construction of adequate houses. As a result of limited land that causes a minimum area of houses that can be built by the community in the neighborhood. In addition, this very small house is occupied by 5-9 people, which depends on the social conditions of the residents. The prototype design of houses is very easy to make for the purpose of using space that meets the standard zoning space by using a system suitable for the design of buildings with a 'split level' system. The types of houses in this study are type 18, type 21 and type 27 which discuss broad land not in area buildings. 'Split level' house design in buildings built on construction techniques to create space by changing altitude from one another. Very simple house buildings using a split level consisting of 3 floors with reinforced concrete structures using concrete construction rules for buildings (SNI 03-2847-2013) and planning procedures for earthquake repairs for structures of buildings and non-buildings (03-1726-2012). The research was conducted with qualitative methods through describing conditions in the field.

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Obafemi O Olatunji, Felix A Ishola, Olayinka O Ayo, Olumide Towoju, Stephen A. Akinlabi

The suppression of the high risks involved in the Nuclear energy venture tremendously depends on the safety culture of all stakeholders. Despite the commendable efforts that have been made towards nuclear security, there are still some significant loopholes which could retard this progress if not addressed. This paper reviews the global effort towards nuclear security and safety; focusing on the activities of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and of participating Nations as entangled factors to determine the sustainability of a secured and safe nuclear energy future. The authors presented the two possible global nuclear security scenarios in the nearest future; highlighting the nuclear security culture and action plans which could enhance the global nuclear security and prevent the world from the high-risk scenario were proffered. The recommended actions are expected to provide a breakdown insight to what is expected of individual Nuclear Energy countries as an entity to contribute to a strong safety climate in the world of Nuclear Energy.

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Wan Arfiani Barus, Rita Mawarni CH dan Muhammad Idam Khalid

The best of Cocoa plant growth and production are inseparable from quality of seeds. Quality seeds are obtained when sufficient nutrient availability and vigorous sprouts. The priority of sprouts is related to the age-appropriate for transplanting. This study aims to determine the character of cacao seedling growth towards the provision of oil palm leaf compost fertilizer and the age of sprouts. This study used factorial randomized block design with 2 factors, the first factor is Palm Oil Leaf Compost Fertilizer with 4 levels, namely: K0 = Without Treatment/Control, K1 = 50 g/polybag, K2 = 100 g/polybag, K3 = 150 g/polybag and the second factor is the age of sprouts with 3 levels, namely: U1 = 7 days, U2 = 14 days, U3 = 21 days. The results showed that the effect of oil palm leaf compost application had no significant effect on all parameters. While the age of transplanting was gave the significant effect on all parameters. The best age of sprouts was 7 days..

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