International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

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ISSN 2277-8616


IJSTR >> Volume 8 - Issue 10, October 2019 Edition

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research  
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

Website: http://www.ijstr.org

ISSN 2277-8616

Earthworm (Oligochaeta) Diversity In The Region Of The Ancient Volcano, Nglanggeran, Yogyakarta As A Learning Resource Of Biology Lesson

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Trikinasih Handayani, Muhammad S. Wibowo, Dwi Sulisworo



earthworm diversity, the ancient volcano of Nglanggeran, learning materials



This research aims to examineearthworm diversity in the region of the Nglanggeran ancientvolcano. Moreover, it also aims to observe the effects of environmental conditions (C/N ratio, soil pH, soil temperature, air temperature, air humidity, and soil moisture) on the diversity of earthworms (Oligochaeta) in the Nglanggeran volcano as well as to examine the potential of the diversity of earthworms (Oligochaeta) inthisvolcanic region as a resource inbiology learning material inhigh schools. The plotting method was used as the sampling method. The worms were collected using the hand-sorting method. The species diversity index of the earthworms was then calculated using the Shannon-Wiener formula and the determination of the effects of environmental abiotic conditions on the diversity index of the earthworms was acquired by processing the data usingthe regression analysis. Lastly, their potential to be used as a source in learning biology in high schools was analyzed. The species of earthworms found in the region of the Nglanggeran ancient Volcano are Eudriluseugeniae, Diplocardiasingularis, and Pheretimacalifornia. The species diversity index of the earthworms found in thisvolcanic region is low with a mean species diversity index (H') of earthworms ranging from 0.10 to 0.15. The lowest H’ is seen in sector 4 of study area IV with a value of 0.10. Only one of the environmental abiotic conditions,which is air temperature,does significantly influence the diversity index of the earthworms in thisvolcanic region. Other environmental abiotic conditions namely soil temperature, air humidity, soil moisture, soil pH, and C/N ratio do not significantly influence the diversity index of the earthworms in the Nglanggeran volcanicregion. The analysis of the prospective usage in schools suggests that the results of this study have the potential to be included as a part of biology learning materials in high schools.



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