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ISSN 2277-8616


IJSTR >> Volume 9 - Issue 11, November 2020 Edition

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research  
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

Website: http://www.ijstr.org

ISSN 2277-8616

The Preferences Of Single Factory Workers Toward Rental Housing In East Ungaran, Semarang

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A. Hazimah Ramadhani, A. Manaf



Preference, Single Factory Workers, Social Economy Characteristic, Low Cost Apartment, Rental Housing



Semarang district is a hinterland of Semarang city and a strategic location for industrial activity development. One of the sub-district is East Ungaran, that have 16 factories and able to employ 12.551 factory workers. The fast-growing of the industrial sector is causing huge employment and affected the demand for temporary rental housing. By One Million Houses Program, the government attempted to provide an adequate and affordable rental housing, that is Ungaran Low Cost Apartment for single factory workers. However, from 104 units of available rooms, there are only 29 units that were occupied by single factory workers. On the other side, there is another housing alternative, that is rent house/boarding house which is provided informally by people around the factory. This research intends to describe the characteristic of rental housing that is available and the social economy characteristic study region of single factory workers and their preferences toward rental housing choices. This research used a quantitative research method and analyzed by Descriptive Statistic and Likert Scale. This research used 100 single factory workers as samples. The result of this research is rental housing that was occupied by single factory workers in East Ungaran can be divided into 2 typologies, that are Ungaran Low Cost Apartment for single factory workers and rent house/boarding house. Generally, they relatively have a homogenous social economy characteristic. This research found priority order for preferences toward rental housing based on the total mean of importance score, that are room unit condition (4,31), rental housing location (4,30), privacy (4,28), rental housing facilities and utilities (4,21), rental housing price and services (4,21), and the social interactions (4,09). Based on this research, hopefully, there will be further consideration for the housing providers to develop single factory workers rental housing.



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