International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

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ISSN 2277-8616


IJSTR >> Volume 8 - Issue 9, September 2019 Edition

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research  
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

Website: http://www.ijstr.org

ISSN 2277-8616

E-Assessment Of Student Perception Of Natural Sciences Based On Seska In Middle School Students In Indonesia

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Astalini, Astalini., Darmaji, Darmaji., Dwi Agus Kurniawan., Ririn Melsayanti



E-Assessment; Natural Science; Perception, MySQL; Students; Junior High School; ICT



The study aims to apply e-assessment of students' perceptions of natural science subjects. In addition, the e-assessment of student perceptions in this study aims to see students 'perceptions of natural science subjects and how the teacher responds to the development of e-assessment of students' perceptions of natural science subjects using the "SESKA" system. The e-assessment of students' perceptions of natural science subjects makes it easier for teachers to assess how students perceive natural science subjects. This study uses a "SESKA" system based on MySQL applications. The sample used in this study was 516 students and 27 teachers. This research contributes to making it easier for teachers to assess the character of students' perceptions of natural science subjects. After a large group test, e-assessment of student perceptions of natural science subjects is feasible to use so that it can facilitate teachers and students in evaluating themselves. E-assessment of student perceptions of natural science found that students' perceptions were good with a percentage of 67.8% (350 students from 516 students). Then for the teacher's response to e-assessment students' perceptions of natural science are classified as good responses with a percentage of 77.8% (21 teachers from 27 teachers). At the practical level of e-assessment of students' perceptions of science subjects, the results can be beneficial for teachers and students in evaluating themselves. At the theoretical level, this study makes it easy for researchers to know how perceptions of natural science subjects. By entering the name, class, and origin of the student's school, then students click on the circle of their choice, so the researcher can immediately know the results. Understanding student perceptions of natural science subjects can improve student learning outcomes. This study was only conducted in 3 schools in Indonesia, precisely in Jambi province. This research should be extended to other provinces and abroad and use larger samples.



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