International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

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ISSN 2277-8616


IJSTR >> Volume 7 - Issue 10, October 2018 Edition

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research  
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

Website: http://www.ijstr.org

ISSN 2277-8616

Different Differences Of Baby Bodies That Get Exclusive Breast Milk With Babies Who Do Not Get Exclusive Breastfeeding

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Infant weight, baby bodies,exclusive breast milk, exclusive breastfeeding, Aceh.



The baby's growth is largely determined by the amount of breastmilk obtained, including energy and other nutrients contained in the EXCLUSIVE BREAST MILK. This study aims to determine differences in the weight of babies who received exclusive breastfeeding with babies who did not receive exclusive breastfeeding in the work area of the UPTD Puskesmas Suak Ribee, Johan Pahlawan District, West Aceh Regency in 2016. This study was a comparative analytic study with a cross sectional approach. The sampling technique in this study was to visit the home of the mother who had a baby aged> 6 months-7 months and distribute a predetermined questionnaire to find out the category of independent variables in accordance with this study and weighing the babies> 6 months old 7 months to find out the details of the dependent variable in this study. The results of independent T-test data analysis were processed with a confidence level of 95% (α = 0.05), it can be seen that the variance of the data is not different (the same), the value t value is 1.449, while the value of t table is 1.761. Thus we can know that t value ≤ t table, then Ha is rejected, meaning that there is no significant difference between the weight of babies who are exclusively breastfed and those who are not exclusively breastfed. Based on the results of research conducted by researchers from April 1-5, 2016 by visiting the respondent's house as many as 30 people scattered in the work area of the Suak Ribee Puskesmas UPTD, the researchers concluded that there was no difference between the weight of babies who were exclusively breastfed and those who did not exclusive breastfeeding. It is recommended that mothers continue to maintain exclusive breastfeeding by increExclusive breast milkng the nutritional intake of mothers so that the baby's weight can increase even without PEXCLUSIVE BREAST MILK.



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