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ISSN 2277-8616


IJSTR >> Volume 9 - Issue 6, June 2020 Edition

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research  
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

Website: http://www.ijstr.org

ISSN 2277-8616

A Random Forest Model To Predict Credit Balance Claim Recovery Accounts In Healthcare Sector

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Pooja Mittal, Dr. Vinod Kr. Srivastava



Random Forest, Recall, Precision, Confusion Matrix, F-Score.



Credit Balance services play an important role to resolve providers and health care credit balance accounts to recover the overpaid payments and avoid the future errors. This is a critical problem for the health care systems because the accuracy of prediction is very low for identifying the potential overpaid claims where recovery can happen, therefore auditors have to go through all 100% claims, which results in spending lot of time, which cannot yield recovery. To address this problem, this case study will give the ability to health care systems to classify the potential revenue generated claims. We have described and proposed a Random Forest algorithm, which is applied on high dimensional and highly biased data. The proposed Random Forest algorithm has reduced the dimensions by selected the important features and taken care of highly imbalanced data. To classify the overpaid claims, RF has provided a significant improvement over other algorithms such as Decision Tree and Logistic Regression. We have identified the high-ranking features, which influence the credit balance accounts, or claims, which reduce the high dimensionality and enhance performance. This proposed solution offers a new way to help human auditors to focus on revenue generating accounts with high yield and will prevent future errors.



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