International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

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ISSN 2277-8616


IJSTR >> Volume 4 - Issue 8, August 2015 Edition

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research  
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

Website: http://www.ijstr.org

ISSN 2277-8616

Challenges Affecting Participation In Provision Of Public Services In Arusha City Council, Tanzania

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Joel, Jerry A., Dr. Iravo, Mike A.



Keywords: Participation, and public services



ABSTRACT: In recently world creating opportunities under appropriate circumstances for people to manipulate decisions that affect them will increase the sense of ownership and care that is why participation has become a question of concern for any public and private project development and sustainability. The purpose of this study was to assessing the challenges affecting participation in provision of public services in Arusha city council. The specific objective of this study was to find out the challenges affecting public consultations and involvement in provision of public services at Arusha city council. The researcher use survey design technique in studying 150 samples from 416,442 which included public citizens, mayor, councilors and employees at the Arusha city council office. The sample was selected through non- probability sampling techniques which was purposive and convenience. The data was collected through questionnaire and structured interview schedule and data was qualitatively analyzed where the factual and logical interpretation was explained through using of table and percentages. From the findings of the study, provision of effective public services in Arusha city council is less effective and unsatisfactory because of insufficient number of staff, poor technology, conservatism, bureaucracy, culture, relationship, politics and poor communication. In order to address the issues, the researcher recommends that the governance is weak and it needed to be reviewed in order to enhance the effectiveness of the entire process in provision of effective public services.



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