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ISSN 2277-8616


IJSTR >> Volume 2- Issue 6, June 2013 Edition

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research  
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

Website: http://www.ijstr.org

ISSN 2277-8616

Weeds Identification On Sago Palm Plant In The Banana-Based Reclamation Area With Natural Sago Palm Area As Comparison

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Kosmas Rahado, Leunard Onisivorus Kakisina, Arman Amran, Beni Setha, Meigy Nelce Mailoa



Index Terms: Weed on Sago Palm Reclamation area and Natural Sago Palm area as Comparison



Abstract: The objective of this research was to know the various kinds of weed in banana-based reclamation area of sago palm and in natural sago palm forest. The square method was used to analysis weed vegetation. The results of the research. of predominating weeds found in the sago palm reclamation area were Sida apcuta, Centrosema pubicens, Mimosa invisa, Gallingsoga parviviflora, and Commelina diffusa. These weeds are from the broad leaf group. Also, there were Phaspalum konjugatum, Digitaria violancens , Axosonopus compresus, and Bractiarva paspoloides. These weeds are from grasses group. While from the sead jeas group there are Cyperus killyngia, Cyperus iia and Cyperus phylosous.The predominating weeds found in the natural sago palm area were Althenantera sessilis, Commelina difusa, Melastoma affine, Centrosema pubicens, Ficus septica, Sehismatogolotis cypta, and Xanthomonas violaceum which are from broad leaf group.Aneielma spiratum, Axsonopus comperesus are from grasses group. Cyclocorus aridus, Selagineella sp and Stenochlea palustrisare from fern group were found in the natural sago palm area but was not found in the reclamation area. Commelina diffusa weed which is from broad leaf group spread and dominated in 4 columns of sago palm reclamation area, while in the natural sago palm area there is only 1 column. Sead jeas group was not found in the natural sago palm area, while fern group was found in sago palm reclamation area the ecology of these two areas were different.



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