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ISSN 2277-8616


IJSTR >> Volume 3- Issue 4, April 2014 Edition

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research  
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

Website: http://www.ijstr.org

ISSN 2277-8616

Comparative Study Of Tramadol Hydrochloride And Drotavarine Hydrochloride On Cervical Dilatation In Active Labour

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Dr. Maria Aziz



Keywords: Tramadol hydrochloride, Drotaverine hydrochloride, Cervical dilatation; Active phase; Delivery.



Abstract: Purpose: Prolong labour contributes to increased perinatal and maternal morbidity. Inhibitory impulses in the form of spasm often impair the dilatation of cervix and prolong the duration of labour. This study was undertaken to compare the effect of Tramadol Hydrochloride And Drotavarine Hydrochloride on duration of labour and rate of cervical dilatation and compare it with control group. Method-300 patients were taken up for study. Of these 300 patients both primipara & multipara were included. In the multipara, only second para (OH=1001) were included to ensure comparability. 100 patients served as control. Majority of patients belong to age group 21-25 in all three groups. This is a Hospital based randomized study to evaluate the acceleration effect of Tramadol and Drotaverine on dilatation of cervix in both primigravida & multigravida with additional analgesic effect of Tramadol and compare it with control group,to note the time interval between injection of Tramadol and Drotaverine & delivery and compare it with control group,to determine deleterious effects if any of drugs affecting either fetus or mother in primi & multi patients with no high risk factors. Results - Both Tramadol and Drotaverine reduce the duration of first stage, less operative interference was required into two study groups in comparison to control group, in both primpara and multi para patients. Results of both drug are comparative.Among primiparous patients, two each of Tramadol and Drotaverine group had forcep delivery and two patients of Tramadol group had undergone lower segment cesarean section.Among multiparous patients, four patients of Drotaverine group delivered by lower segment cesarean section. Both the drugs had no significant action on the uterine contraction .Both the drug reduce the duration of active phase of labour and there who significant increase of rate of cervical dilatation in Tramadol and Drotaverine group compared to control group.Both the drugs had no significant effect on duration of second and third stage of labour. There was no significant difference in the APGAR score of babies delivered with the aid of Tramadol and Drotaverine as compared to control group.Both the drugs had minimal side effects and complications. Conclusion: It can be opined that Tramadol hydrochloride is a good cervical dilator and its effects is comparable to Drotaverine hydrochloride but due to its added analgesic effects, Tramadol can be preferred over Drotaverine hydrochloride and other cervical dilators for augmentation of labour.But further studies are required to have the data sufficient enough to establish the drug as better cervical dilator than Drotaverine.



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