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ISSN 2277-8616


IJSTR >> Volume 8 - Issue 4, April 2019 Edition

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research  
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

Website: http://www.ijstr.org

ISSN 2277-8616

Effect Of Tapioca Adhesives On Combustion Characteristics Briquettes Of Durian Waste And Wood Powder

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Indra Koto, Jalius Jama, Sumarno



briquette, durian peel, wood powder, adhesive, burn rate



An agrarian country with a tropical climate, Indonesia has a very natural potential for agricultural products. The management of large natural resources is in dire need of technological development for the production of agricultural products. Technological advances will continue to evolve in step with growing human resource needs, which will require the knowledge, skills and readiness to accept technical changes. Technological progress requires a lot of energy. Excessive use of fossil fuels (gas and oil) tends to reduce the volume of oil and gas reserves. It is therefore necessary to look for new sources of energy to reduce dependence on fossil fuels while strengthening energy security. The alternative energy solutions presented in this study focus on the presence of organic waste / waste in briquettes as a source of energy. In this study, briquettes were made with tapioca glue at 6%, 9%, 12% and 15% of the total carbon biomass in order to obtain heat (cal) and the rate value. of combustion (g /s). Wood powder briquettes are faster than durian peel briquettes. The comparison of flame time between durian peel briquettes and wood powder briquettes has a different ignition. the burning time of the wood powder briquettes with the same variation of adhesive as T cost = 2500C burns faster, for {6,9,12,15}% of successive tapioca with time {3,27; 3.53; 3.57; 4.11} minutes compared to durian peel briquettes for {4.15; 4.23; 5.28; 6.29} minutes. Wood powder briquettes burn faster than durian peel briquettes. The smallest variation in the adhesive value of tapioca is 6%, at the burning rate of durian peel briquettes of 0.2616 g/min, while durian peel burning 0.2744 g/ min . While the variation of 6% of the value of the adhesive of the wood powder, the burning rate is 0.2142 g/min and the highest of 15% with a burning rate of wood powder. 0.2222 g/min. There are several influencing factors because the amount of adhesive contains the amount of water and fiber contained in the briquette material. By using the waste in briquettes, it is hoped that this will reduce some of the waste problem, reduce unemployment and meet national energy needs.



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