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ISSN 2277-8616


IJSTR >> Volume 3- Issue 3, March 2014 Edition

International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research  
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research

Website: http://www.ijstr.org

ISSN 2277-8616

Social And Environmental Accounting: A Response To The Company's Operational Externalities

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Dewi Susilowati



Keywords: socialandenvironmentalperformance, externalities, economic performance, socialandenvironmentalaccounting, social and environmental disclosure, environmental exposure, environmental content.



Abstract: Conventionalaccountinghas limitationsin responding tothe impact ofexternalitiesgenerated bythe operations ofthe company. This was the background of social and environmental accounting study. Externalitiesthat are notrespondedpositivelywillaffect thelegitimacy ofthe business, so thatthe continuity ofthe company's operationsdisturbed. Therefore, notonlyfinancial informationis neededbutmore comprehensiveinformation. Inthis research, thedisclosure-scoring methodologybasedoncontent analysistomeasure thesecondary data obtainedfromannual report.As for theunitof analysisisthe top eightoil and gascompaniesarethe largestproducerof oil and gasproductionin Indonesia.The results ofthe measurementofsocialand environmentaldisclosure, socialand environmentalperformance, environmentalexposure,andenvironmentalcontent, using disclosure-scoring, usedfordescriptiveandstatisticalanalysisto determine the relationshipand its effect oneconomicperformance. The research provesthat theimpact ofthese externalitiescanaffect thesocialandenvironmentalperformance, social and environmental disclosureandeconomic performance.



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